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The Way to Lose Weight -- Eating Fruit Before Dinner

Studies have shown that if you eat some fruit or drink 1 to 2 cups of juice before 20 minutes to 40 minutes before meals, you can prevent obesity caused by excessive meals. Because fruit or fruit juice is rich in fructose and glucose, it can be absorbed quickly by the body, increase blood sugar concentration, and reduce appetite. The crude fiber in the fruit also makes the stomach full of fullness.

Be careful:
1.  Many fruits, such as persimmons, hawthorn, almonds, pineapple and so on, you can not eat when you are limosis.
2.  When eating fruit before meals, you'd better choose not to strong acid and not too strong astringency of the fruit, such as apples, pears, bananas, grapes, watermelon, muskmelon etc..
3. if you're thinking about using diet pills to lose weight, you can use Zi Xiu Tang. The weight loss drug also works well.

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